Industry Girls Only

A woman with tattoos slightly smiles up against a wall
A circular stamp reads: Unique • Beautiful • Worthy of love
A woman in white shirt and blue jeans sits under an overpass in LA

Who are we?

We’re a team of friends who support women in the industry. We believe all women are unique, beautiful, and worthy of love. We support our industry sisters with free gifts, support groups, mentors, and more. We'd love to send you a free care package, get to know you better, and see how we can cheer you on in your journey.

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A picture of a woman with blond hair, ontop is the quote 'Something really happens when you guys pray.' from a Jewel

Women Should Support Women

Whether you're out of the game or still in the industry but could use some judgment-free encouragement, we’re here for you!

Our mentors are all local. Maybe you’ve already met one of us! For our online support groups we partner with Treasures in LA. These support groups are exclusively for women who are, or have been, in the industry/the life.

A picture of a woman with blond hair, ontop is the quote 'I feel like I've been given my dignity back' from a Jewel
Diamond illustrations

No Strings Attached

We are here to support and help you reach your dreams! Though we are faith-based, there are no faith requirements to join us. We support women from all walks of life. It is an honor to be invited to journey with you.

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